10 Tips How to write a Good Article According to SEO Rules
How to write a good article according to SEO rules?
And the rest will be included in the same observations, for example Yahoo follows Google in the notes and so on. This article is for everyone where I will not touch on any technical issues but I only focus on the writing method to get an advanced rank in the results of search engines
I’ll start with an answer that is a summary of all the strategies and factors you’re reading that make your website or article appear in an advanced position of SERP search engines results pages?
The answer is that “Google likes what the user loves”
In the sense that whenever your site is fast and opens error-free and compatible with users’ devices and screens, good content is useful and the visitor took time to read and browse your site, the more it helps your article or site to appear in an advanced position.
So this is the conclusion that you think about the user and then you will have succeeded, God willing
An article writer should follow certain rules when writing an article or topic to help the site appear in advanced search results:
1- Before you start writing, think about good content that interests people.
2- Write an article not big or small in the average 300 words.
3- Put a distinctive title emanating from the subject and not an address away from the content.
4- Type the content in the Paragraphs section of each paragraph heading.
5- Make the title greater than the rest of the speech and thick and distinctive line and sometimes slanted line.
6- Use a beautiful font and font color and background suitable for comfortable reading and away from the tired user and makes him leave and not complete reading.
7- Link to other topics you have mentioned on your site or from outside the site related to the topic you are writing about.
8- Write a professional and enjoyable article makes the user completes the end to praise and share with others and this is a very important point.
9- Write an article exclusively and in a peaceful language without spelling or grammatical errors and never evade the articles of others.
10- Write a new and exclusive article continuously, for example every week article.